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frap | cançons | divendres, 1 de juny de 2007 | 12:39h

Una cançó, tres versions:




EH Sukarra

Hemen gaude
ta poztutzen naiz
ta ziur zure aita ere bai;
ta zer ondo... zelan dijua
zure bufanda txuria.

Lau teilatu gainian
ilargia erdian eta zu
goruntz begira,
zure keia eskuetan
putzara batekin... putz!
Neregana etorriko da
ta berriz izango gara
edozein herriko jaixetan.

Goxo goxo
kanta egin nazu
Benitoren Maria Solt.
Negarrik ez,
txuri zaude ta malkoak
zure kolorea kentzen dute.

Lau teilatu gainian...

Felix, Felix bihar
berriz egongo gara
txanpain apur batekin;
diru gabe baina
izarrak gurekin daude,
piano baten soinuaz.

Lau teilatu gainian...
frap | pel·lis | dijous, 31 de maig de 2007 | 20:35h

Aquesta pel·lícula em va fer volar la imaginació com mai, i em sembla que no sóc a l'únic.

Arxius: neverending
frap | directes | dimarts, 29 de maig de 2007 | 22:46h

Necessito aire! M'ofego!

Blonde Redhead, una mica d'oxigen.

Buf! Quin grup! Un vídeo clip i dos directes:


Misery Is A Butterfly

In Particular

frap | vídeo clips | diumenge, 27 de maig de 2007 | 18:37h


frap | vídeo clips | diumenge, 27 de maig de 2007 | 01:57h

Motherfucker From Hell


frap | vídeo clips | dissabte, 26 de maig de 2007 | 13:35h

Going to a town

I'm going to a town that has already been burned down
I'm going to a place that is already been disgraced
I'm gonna see some folks who have already been let down.
I'm so tired of America

I'm gonna make it up for all of the Sunday Times
I'm gonna make it up for all of the nursery rhymes
They never really seem to want to tell the truth
I'm so tired of you America

Making my own way home
Ain't gonna be alone
I got a life to lead America
I got a life to lead

Tell me do you really think you go to hell for having loved?
Tell me and not for thinking every thing that you've done is good
(I really need to know)
After soaking the body of Jesus Christ in blood

I'm so tired of America
(I really need to know)

I may just never see you again or might as well
You took advantage of a world that loved you well
I'm going to a town that has already been burned down
I'm so tired of you America

Making my own way home
Ain't gonna be alone
I got a life to lead America
I got a life to lead
I got a soul to feed
I got a dream to heed
And that's all I need

Making my own way home
Ain't gonna be alone
I'm going to a town that has already been burned down
frap | vídeo clips | divendres, 25 de maig de 2007 | 21:31h


frap | vídeo clips | divendres, 25 de maig de 2007 | 15:12h

Sex Love and Honey

frap | pel·lis | divendres, 25 de maig de 2007 | 09:10h

Swing Hail!

frap | vídeo clips | dijous, 24 de maig de 2007 | 20:11h

Day is Done

When the day is done
Down to earth then sinks the sun
Along with everything that was lost and won
When the day is done.

When the day is done
Hope so much your race will be all run
Then you find you jumped the gun
Have to go back where you began
When the day is done.

When the night is cold
Some get by but some get old
Just to show lifes not made of gold
When the night is cold.

When the bird has flown
Got no-one to call your own
Got no place to call your home
When the bird has flown.

When the games been fought
You speed the ball across the court
Lost much sooner than you would have thought
Now the games been fought.

When the partys through
Seems so very sad for you
Didnt do the things you meant to do
Now theres no time to start anew
Now the partys through.

When the day is done
Down to earth then sinks the sun
Along with everything that was lost and won
When the day is done.

Últims 40 canvis

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« Juny 2007 »
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