XSSSHELL (MD5SUM:- 0947babc5801dabce902869a44f85048) XSS Shell is a powerful XSS backdoor. XSS Shell allows interactively getting control over a Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in a web application. Demonstrates the real power and damage of Cross-site Scripting attacks.

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ICMPENUM (MD5SUM:- 4bb81d349b6b45e78cafab32c38955e3) Host enumeration is the act of determining the IP address of potential targets on a network. This can be done in both layer 2 and layer 3. Icmpenum sends ICMP traffic for such enumeration. The ICMP packets supported are: Echo, Timestamp, Information and Netmask. Furthermore, it supports spoofing and promiscuous listening for reply packets. Icmpenum is great for enumerating networks which allow ICMP traffic.

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SYNSCAN (MD5SUM:- b704c17689a8c75a49722d54eb43f260) Another aspect of enumeration of hosts is the determining of TCP ports in an OPEN state, that is to say TCP ports which respond to SYN packets with a Syn and the ACK flag set, Syn-Ack. Synscan is impressively fast at determinining this via the use of two processes, one to send the Syn packets and one to listen for the responses. NB: At first start with low settings as it can impact systems if it is run too fast. The portparse utility is also a useful little tool!

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ONESIXTYONE (MD5SUM:- 79a231d09c02c65105a00ece992b18f7) This is an updated verison of the well known onesixtyone SNMP bruteforce tool. Onesixtyone is an SNMP scanner that sends multiple SNMP requests to multiple IP addresses, trying different community strings and waiting for replies. This version fixes a number of bugs in other publically available versions of the software, such as allowing for very large dictionary files and reading target IP addresses from a file.

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APACHE_USERS (MD5SUM:- 2fb2e8c2432bc6255387848b29d15e27) Apache username enumerator, via /~username requests. This script uses a list of common system names like root, admin etc ... You should manually check the issue to establish the http return code, ie: 403 as this is needed for the command line. No native SSL support.

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ENUM4LINUX (MD5SUM:- 5e28652f9fa7db9f9a25c4efd68a163d) Simple shell script which attempts to use RID cycling to extract a list of users from Windows (or Samba) hosts which have RestrictAnonymous set to 1 (Windows NT and 2000), or "Network access: Allow anonymous SID/Name translation" enabled (XP, 2003). Dependancy info: You will need to have the smbclient package installed as this script is basically just a wrapper around rpcclient (to do the RID cycling) and nmblookup (to grab the workgroup/domain).

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IPSORT (MD5SUM:- c640f49174bb5e9637080f5b4c553dfa) Ipsort's a very handy little utility that sorts a list of IPs on STDIN to STDOUT. This means any file filled with IP addresses that needs sorting can be passed to it on the command line and it will sort and order them for you. This utility is extremely versatile and exceptionally useful.

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FUZZLED (MD5SUM:- 4d71849c1f07e89ae4289ac6557e4693) Fuzzled is a powerful fuzzing framework. Fuzzled includes helper functions, namespaces, factories which allow a wide variety of fuzzing tools to be developed. Fuzzled comes with several example protocols and drivers for them .

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