Penya Ciclista Ribera d'Ebre

   "La Penya Ciclista Ribera d'Ebre" (a cycling club) was founded in 1984 and is formed by approximately 140 members basically from the Tarraconense districs: Ribera d'Ebre, Terra Alta and Priorat.

The most important things organised have been the cycle race around "La Ribera d'Ebre" and touring ciclist climb to Cardó hill. Initially, the first one was for amateurs, but in recent years it has been for the junior category. For this category, also the club organised some endurance tests Catalonia championships, individual and team trial as well. The tour to Cardó hill, a non-competitive trace, has been done every first Sunday of October without any interruption.

Also, in recent years we have organised "La Marxa Cicloturista Rutes Riberenques" (a tour around "la Ribera d'Ebre") wich includes a large quantity of cyclists who want to spend a morming cycling in our district and tho share a common hobby: the bicycle.

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