
Grup d'investigació en economia pública(GIEP), UdG

Any 2009


BERGA, D; MORENO, B (2009); “Strategic Requirements with Indifference: Single-peaked versus Single-plateaued Preferences”. Social Choice and Welfare. Vol 32 (2) 275-298.


BOCCARD, N (2009); “Capacity Factor of Wind Power: Realized Values vs. Estimates” Energy Policy 37: 2679-2688


DEL REY, E (2009); “Can state university fees increase welfare? A mixed oligopoly approach.” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 165(4): 670-683.


HRITONENKO, N; YATSENKO, Y; GOETZ, RU; XABADIA, A (2009); “A bang bang regime in optimal harvesting of size-structured populations”. Nonlinear Analysis. Vol 71 (12): 2331-2336


XABADIA, A; GOETZ, RU (2010); “The Optimal Selective Logging Regime and the Faustmann Formula”. Journal of Forest Economics, 2010. Vol 16 (1): 63-82

Llibres, Capitols i altres publicacions

GOETZ, RU; YASMINA, G; MARTINEZ, Y; XABADIA, A (2009); “Asignación del agua de regadío: una comparación de reglas” en J.A. Gómez-Limón, J. Calatrava, A. Garrido, F.J. Saez y A. Xabadia (eds). "La Economía del Agua de Regadío en España: Una Perspectiva Regional”, Fundación Cajamar, Almeria, 2009. Pp 247-262

Any 2008



BERGA, D; BERGANTIÑOS, G; MASSO, J; MEME, A (2008) “On two basic properties of equilibria of voting with exit Revista” Economics Bulletin, 4 (No. 21).


BOOCARD, N (2008) "Capacity Factor of Wind Power: Realized Values vs. Estimates" Energy Policy (in press)


DEL REY, E; RACIONERO, M (2008); An efficiency argument for affirmative action in higher education.Revista: Hacienda Pública Española / Revista de Economía Pública ,187(4).


GOETZ, R.U; MARTINEZ, Y; RODRIGO, J (2008) “Water allocation by social choice rules: the case of sequential rules”. Ecological Economics  


GOETZ, R.U; HRITONENKO, N; YATSENKO, Y; XABADIA, A (2008) “Gains from differentiated policies to control stock pollution when producers are heterogeneous” American Journal of Agricultural Economics  


GOETZ, R.U; HRITONENKO, N; YATSENKO, Y (2008); “The optimal economic lifetime of vintage capital in the presence of operating costs, technological progress, and learning.” Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control  


GOETZ, R.U; HRITONENKO, N; YATSENKO, Y; XABADIA, (2008); “Maximum principle for a size-structured model of forest and carbon sequestration management” Applied Mathematical Letters  


GOETZ, R.U; HRITONENKO, N; YATSENKO, Y; XABADIA, (2008); “Using the escalator boxcar train to determine the optimal management of a size-distributed forest when carbon sequestration is taken into accounts” Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.


GOETZ, R.U; HRITONENKO, N; RUBEN, M; XABADIA, A; YATSENKO, Y (2008);Climate Change and the Cost of Carbon Sequestration: The Case of Forest Management”. Working Paper, Centre de Referència en Economia Analítica, 2008, No. [329]


GOETZ, R.U; HRITONENKO, N; YATSENKO, Y (2008) "Harvesting in biological population" Abstract of Papers Presented to he American Mathematical Society


XABADIA, A; GOETZ, R.U; ZILBERMAN, D (2008); “The Gains from differentiated policies to control stock pollution when producers are heterogeneous”  American Journal of Agricultural Economics  


ANY 2007



MARTINEZ Y; GOETZ, R.U (2007); Ganancias de eficiencia versus costes de transacción de los mercados de agua” Revista de Economía Aplicada, XV, 43, 5-26, 2007


GOETZ, R.U; ZILBERMAN, D (2007); “The Economics of Land-Zoning -The Dynamic Approach” Optimal Control Applications and Method, 28, 21-43, 2007


GOETZ, R.U; ZILBERMAN, D (2007); The Economics of Land-Zoning -The Dynamic Approach. Optimal Control Applications and Method, 28, 21-43, 2007


ALFRNACA, O; GOETZ, R.U (2007); XABADIA, A (2007); “Introduction” International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Vol. 6(1) 2 - 4, 2007, 139 pages, special issue of the journal about “Technology and Resource Management in Agriculture”, 


GOETZ, R.U, HRITONENKO, N; XABADIA, A; YATSENKO, Y (2007); “Using the Escalator Boxcar Train to Determine the Optimal Management of a Size-Distributed Forest when Carbon Sequestration IsTaken into Account” Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Nr. 4818: 334 – 341.


GOETZ, R.U; MARTINEZ, Y; RODRIGO, J (2007); “Water Assignment by a Social Choice Rule: The Case of Sequential Rules” Ecological Economics, doi:10.1016


HRITONENKO, N; YATSENKO, Y; GOETZ, R.U; XABADIA, A (2007); “Maximum principle for a size-structured model of forest and carbon sequestration management.” Applied Mathematical Letters, doi 10.1016


GOETZ, R.U; HRITONENKO, N; YATSENKO, Y; “The optimal economic lifetime of vintage capital in the presence of operating and maintenance costs, technological progress, and learning.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, doi: 10.1016


BERGA, D; BERGANTIÑOS, G; MASSÓ, J; NEME, A (2007); “An Undominated Nash equilibrium for voting by committees with exit” Mathematical Social Science 54: 152-175




GOETZ, R.U; MRATINEZ, Y; XABADIA, A (2007); “Regulation of Non-Point Source Pollution and Incentives for Good Environmental Practices - The Case of Agriculture” en Ecological Economics Research Trends, Nova Science Publishers


ANY 2006


BERGA, D; BERGANTIÑOS, G; MASSÓ, J; NEME, A (2006); On exiting after voting" International Journal of Game Theory, 34:33-54


BOCCARD, N; WAUTHY, X (2006); "Restriction, Quality Selection and the Mode of Competition" The Manchester School,74:64-84


DEL REY, E; WAUTHY, X (2006); "Mención de Calidad: Reducing Inefficiencies in Higher Education Markets when there are Network Externalities" Investigaciones Económicas, 30:89-115


GOETZ, R.U; MARTINEZ, Y; RODRIGO, J (2006); "Eficiencia de las reglas de asignación de agua en el regadío: asignación a través de mercados, de la regla proporcional y de la regla uniforme" Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales,9:115-138


MARTINEZ, Y; GOETZ, R.U (2006); “Ganancias de eficiencia versus costes de transacción de los mercados de agua Publicació” Revista de Economia Aplicada, 14: 5-26


GOETZ, R.U; SCHMID, H; LEHMANN, B (2006); "Determining the gain from regulation at the extensive and intensive margin" European Review of Agricultural Economics, 33:1-30


GOETZ, R.U; ZILBERMAN, D (2006); "The economics of land-zoning: The dynamic approach" Publicació: Optimal Control Applications and Method, 28:21-43


XABADIA, A; GOETZ, R.U; ZILBERMAN, D (2006); "Control of accumulating stock pollution by heterogeneous producers" Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 30:1105-1130.


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