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    ... feed your blog to twitter,, HelloTxt or

Getting started

Here’s how to get your blog (or any other RSS or Atom feed) sent to popular microblogging platforms:

  1. Decide which network(s) you want to post to

    twitterfeed can post directly to twitter,, custom laconica installations, and via HelloTxt or, simultaneously to the many platforms supported by these services.

  2. Login to twitterfeed using your OpenID

    OpenID is a standard for providing single sign on between web sites
    You can register your own OpenID for free, or may even be able to use your existing blog ID [more]

  3. Provide us with the URL for your blog's RSS feed, and how often we should post on your behalf

    Our servers will check your blog's feed at the specified interval and post any new items to your specified service. You just sit back and relax!

    [ Both RSS and Atom feeds are supported. Posts need to contain publish dates or GUIDs in order for our server to know what's new. Feeds requiring authentication are not supported. ]

[ currently feeding 290,596 feeds to twitter. yum! ]