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  1. I love the tales of TV producer back-and-forth in this @TVGuide piece, which is full of accounts worth following:
  2. @Andrew_Isidoro Got an answer: Fast Follow works in the UK, we just haven't publicized it. Fast follow away!
  3. The incredible tale of Rio's drug war, 17-year-old Rene Silva, and his account @vozdacomunidade: /via @mgrooves
  4. Oscars is getting interactive! RT @TheAcademy: OFFICIAL: James Franco & Anne Hathaway to host #Oscars - Tweet them your advice! #OscarsHosts
  5. @Andrew_Isidoro We're asking our mobile product lead, @leland!
  6. For those still in a tryptophan haze, the Twitter nugget: RT @arusbridger: Succinct summary of my 15 Twitter things
  7. Great read (we're late to the party): RT @arusbridger: Splintering of the 4th Estate. Lecture I gave in Sydney tonight
  8. To answer your questions preemptively: YES the blue chicks are real; YES this is the first time @hoff has ever smiled:
  9. Really enjoyed following the African Media Leaders Forum in Yaoundé vicariously through @jess. Lots of #AMLF tweets—that's a good sign!
  10. More on WaPo's Twitter Election: "we don't expect people to come to us all the time. We're going to go to the audience"
  11. Moving from "tweeting about the show" to "tweeting to the show." @tweetriver's manifesto:
  12. Love the way @pictory uses tweets as interstitial content, sprinkled between fab photos:
  13. Woo, @ellmcgirt's @twittermedia story comes out this week! Here's the cover, w/ @ChloeS looking like 140 million bucks:
  14. "We were treating Twitter as another home page” @kzaleski of @WashingtonPost in @HowardKurtz's take on Twitter + news:
  15. Watch @jimmyfallon tonight to catch @ev & @biz ham it up. And for another fab episode of Late Night Hashtags (#awwhellno). cc: @gavinpurcell