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  1. @GitVort No clue what this means, but sounds like something to tell support via
  2. @DanaDanger Perhaps, then, you should check out the @delibus. (cc: @aunder)
  3. @k Today is definitely representative of standard scoring no matter what you hear. *firm nod* (cc: @goldman @truebe)
  4. @hardik I played through it on Normal but now I'm making my way through Legendary. Next up will be Kinect though.
  5. It's in everyone's best interests that I don't write slogans.
  6. @Nexus6 I briefly thought, pre-zooming-in, that you just truly found the items non-unique.
  7. @hardik I haven't! I've been playing through Halo: Reach on co-op Legendary, but the @Kinect looks super-slick.
  8. Gold-foil-covered chocolate coins: the easiest to forget in your pocket resulting in melting & staining of the chocolate family.
  9. @sachaqs I cheated and used an app. *grin*
  10. @sachaqs A napkin and the rear LED on another iPhone. (cc:@audomatic)
  11. @goldman Today the QRANK gods smiled upon me, my friend.
  12. Current status: yesssssss. (cc: @kenkenramen)
  13. @Jultch ALL THE YES.
  14. RT @bluemonq: @delbius #demongraphic / yes, this is precisely correct.
  15. @OrangeSodaSmurf I'm too far behind to start now with the movies -- I read all the books, though.
  16. Related: I initially typed "demongraphic" which I think you all should start using.
  17. When I imagine which Facebook ads are specifically targeted at me/my demographic I generally feel either flattered or horrified.
  18. @arifkhan7 The credit goes to @support (with @crystal) rather than @safety (with me), but I'm sure they appreciate it! *grin*
  19. @EmpireSteve bit.y/gottaproblem. :)