ACUP takes part in the White Paper for the future of the cooperation of higher education

The chairman of UdL, Joan Viñas, and the executive secretary of ACUP, Josep Maria Vilalta, as representatives of ACUP, have participated on Tuesday, 28 September, in Brussels, at the international ... [+]

Meeting to promote coordination in university cooperation for the development

ACUP has attended to the Harmonisation Seminar organised by Nuffic (Netherlands organization for international cooperation in higher education) and SIU ... [+]

The Catalan universities represented in the EAIE annual conference

The eight catalan public universities that made up the Catalan Association of Public Universities (UB, UAB, UPC, UPF, UdG, UdL, URV and UOC), and the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC), ... [+]