
A Toroidal LHC Apparatus
ATLAS investigates a broad range of physics, including the search for the Higgs boson, extra dimensions, and new particles that could make up dark matter.
Collider Detector at Fermilab
The CDF and D0 experiments record proton-antiproton collisions at the TeVatron and will continue exploring the energy frontier in particle physics until the new LHC at CERN starts operations.
Cherenkov Telescope Array
It will be an advanced facility for ground based very- high-energy gamma ray astronomy, based on the observation of Cerenkov radiation.
The Dark Energy Survey
The main goal of the project is to survey 5000 sq. deg. of the southern galactic sky, measuring positions on the sky, shapes and redshifts of about 300 million galaxies and 15000 galaxy clusters.
Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov
It is a new generation two-telescope system located at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory at the La Palma Canary Island.
Medical Imaging
It is mainly focused on digital medical imaging
Solid state pixel detector are used in many detectors in the field of High Energy Physics and the aim of our research line is mold this existing technology into a useful form to service the interest of the public.
The group is contributing to the new neutrino oscillation experiment, T2K.
The contributions of the IFAE group to the T2K experiment focus on the near detector, specifically in the construction of the time projection chamber and the refurbishing of the old magnet.
Physics of the Accelerating Universe
One of the most astonishing results in physics at the end of the twentieth century was the realization that the universe is expanding at an increasing speed.


Standard Model
The Standard Model of elementary particle physics describes all phenomena in the microcosm without significant deviations.
The pursued lines of research include Chiral Perturbation Theory, the expansion for a large number of colour degrees of freedom, QCD sum rules, non-relativistic QCD, models of QCD which can be solved analytically, Flavour Physics, and CP violation.
Beyond the Standard Model
It includes theories beyond the Standard Model and aiming to solve the classical Standard Model problems: hierarchy, strong-CP, baryons, Dark Matter, unification with gravity…
The pursued lines of research include mechanisms of Electroweak Breaking and Higgs physics, generation of baryon asymmetry and Dark Matter candidates, Supersymmetric Theories, extra-dimensional solutions to Standard Model problems and holographic theories.
Astroparticles and Cosmology
It studies the theory of particles and their interactions in astrophysical and cosmological settings.
The group is focused on: axion physics (cosmological, astrophysical and laboratory), neutrinos (atmospherical and solar), phase transitions in the early universe, dark matter and, of course, dark energy

IFAE conducts experimental and theoretical research at the frontier of fundamental physics, namely in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. We also work at the cutting edge of detector technology, putting our know-how to the service of more practical goals
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Annual Report 2009

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