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Guanyador del 1er Premi Romànic Essència 2006/09
Produccio Integrada Catalunya
Gastronomia mediterrània Casa Amella
Distribuidor Oficial a
Barcelona i Girona
C/Paral·lel a Roureda 6-8
Castellterçol (BCN)
Vall Major Olive Oil


 Vall Major



Vall Major is an extra virgin olive oil with the total guarantee of the protected origin denomination Siurana, one of the oldest recognised in Spain.

This olive oil is obtained by grindig the olives harvested from the trees and a later separation of the juice obtained without any chemical method. Is a 100 % natural product, by the first cold grinding, therefore all the organoleptic characteristics are preserved.

The arbequina olives are harvested by hand, and every day people bring them to the cooperative in order to be grinded as soon as possible. This is a guarantee of quality and also the rigurous quality control due to the belonging to origin denomination Siurana. Its acidity is less than 0'3 degrees.

The extra virgin olive oil has a high level of vitamins (A,D,E,F, and K) and monoinsturate fats which help the cholesterol reduction, with this prevents heart diseases and it is the main ingredient of the healthy mediterranean diet.

Vall major is one of the best olive oils  that satisfies the more demanding tastes, both eaten raw and stew, as it doesn't change in the cooking course and it mantains its unchangeable flavour.


Available Products


Half Liter Bottle
3/4 Liter Bottle
2 Liter Carafe
5 Liter olive oil carafe
2 x 3/4 Liter Oil Pack
3 x 1/2 Liter Olive Oil Pack
3 x 3/4 Liter Olive Oil Pack