09 Jul

Èxit total amb el concert solidari de Gospel Hearts

Autor: Anna Riera Categories: General, News
Èxit total amb el concert solidari de Gospel Hearts

The 30th of June we celebrated a Solidarity Concert with Gospel Hearts, a non-profit organization that with his music helps to associations like our to give visibility to its cause. It gave us a full magic afternoon of music and dance to collect money in favour of the Catalan Association Syndrome X Fragile.

The concert was celebrated in the Auditorium La Torrassa, and assisted around 140 people, than together, closed the show forming a mosaic of X to all the auditorium.


It is a group with a lot of illusion that irradiates joy, spontaneity and does you sing and dance without thinking in nothing more.

Many thanks to those who assisted, dance, sing, laugh, to the families and fellow that accompanied us, to all the group of Gospel Hearts, to the auditorium and to the row 0, that all and no can assist, put his spot of sand.

With what have collected we will keep on working, to offer you more resources and follow adding moments and together fantastic experiences!
