In which business area is Abertis active?

Abertis is formed by companies directly managed or participated, operating in the sector of toll roads infrastructures. It is one of the largest worldwide toll-road operators, managing near 8,500 kilometers of high quality, capacity toll roads around the world in 15 countries.

Strategy and projects of Abertis

Abertis' vocation is to be the leading worldwide operator in infrastructure management serving mobility and communications.
Its goal is to meet the requirements for the movement of people and tangible goods, to which end it analyses and explores the business opportunities of a market which is, in the main, regulated and planned by governmental authorities.

Abertis' key characteristics include a long term outlook for investments, sustainable growth and national and international competitiveness, the global nature of its approach, a mission to actively participate in management and to ensure service quality and a close relationship with its customers. 

How can I keep up with the latest financial and economic news on the company?


Information on corporate governance

Shareholders' General Meeting

Board of Directors and committees

Significant shareholdings