¿Quiénes somos? | About us

About us

Service-learning (aprenentatge servei-APS) is an educational initiative which combines learning with community service in a single well-articulated project. The participants are trained while working on real needs in their community in order to make it better. Service-learning is, therefore, an educational project with a social purpose.

Within this particular framework, the Service-Learning Promotion Centre (Centre Promotor d'Aprenentatge Servei) is a base for generating initiatives and different procedures with the aim of facilitating and reinforcing the APS projects. It is made up of different institutions and organisations which offer a public service while working independently from the Administration, with the objective of consolidating the public perception of APS as one of innovation and educational quality. Its main goal is to promote the study, dissemination and development of projects combining learning and community service.

On our web page you can find:

- Information about What is the APS? with relevant sections such as definition, characteristics and frequently asked questions (FAQs) about APS.

- The web registration form.

- Various documentation in our Virtual Library where you can find documents, teaching guides, first-hand accounts of personal experiences, videos... Some of them have been translated into English. This is recorded as (ENGL.)

- A great variety of Experiences which consist of a bank of experiences, interviews and testimonies from participants in this type of project.

- Organisations and projects which work in Service areas such as personal tutoring issues, help in the community, generational exchange experiences, environmental issues, civic participation, cultural heritage, solidarity and cooperation and health promotion.

- Events and gatherings listings in our Agenda section.

- And finally, the section Other Interesting links which will allow you to get in touch with other institutions and organisations which work in the same field.

CENTRE PROMOTOR | Provença 324 | 08037 Barcelona | Tel. 93 458 87 00 | NIF: G-08241036
www.aprenentatgeservei.cat | centre@aprenentatgeservei.cat | avís legal | crèdits