How to Create a Garden Bed


Raised garden beds can look really elegant and are also very easy to build. These are also highly useful if the quality of soil in your backyard is of a poor quality. Here are some simple steps to help you get kick started.

Types of Garden Beds

Wood is logically the preferred choice for creating garden beds. Cedar among them, is particularly popular with gardeners. Typically the garden is at least 8 to 10 inches in height and should not be more than 4 feet wide. It would otherwise be difficult to reach the plants located at the center. You can use also wine or orange crates if you do not need much space. Beds can be constructed with other materials as well. A lot of people create beds by lining bricks or cinder blocks in a shape of their liking. These are usually set with mortar paste. This type of bed can look really aesthetic and will also give you full control over the size of bed you plan to build for yourself.

Measure out a plot of land on your backyard where you intend to grow the plants. Dig out little patches of the earth to have the wooden slabs secured firmly on the ground. You can then add more slabs one on top of the other until you have reached the required height. Glue the edges with super glue and use screws to further secure them.


One of the benefits to using garden beds is that you can fully exploit places that have only limited space. A lot of gardeners are known to create multiple garden beds each of which is used to grow a certain variety of plants. This way, you can mix and match with several different plant and vegetable varieties in your own garden. You can use high quality soil, which will nourish and supplement the saplings.

For an ideal garden bed, you are required to add many organic layers. Start off by spreading 5 layers of newspaper along the entire area. Use a black and white paper and ensure that the paper is damp to prevent it from flapping. Gloss the paper with a layer of vegetable compost or manure. This should be followed by a mulch of grass, mixed leaves, straw, lawn clippings and peat moss that would cover 1-2 inches in height. After this, you can add rich organic compost. It is essential to have the compost watered a few days earlier so that it nicely settles down. Once the layering is done, you can start your gardening work. You can now place your seedlings under the soil and watch grow to become beautiful plants. Ensure that the plants get at least 6-8 hours of sunshine regularly. During the germination stage, it is essential to have them watered at least once or twice. Hydrate the soil adequately while ensuring that you are not leaving a puddle of water behind. Follow these simple steps and your garden will be teeming with plant life.

A Proper 7-Day DASH Diet Plan

The goal of the 7-day DASH diet is to regulate blood sugars and reduce hypertension. For some, this is a preventative measure when a person’s genetic history includes heart disease and diabetes. The diet has two phases. The first phase is the learning curve. You’ll learn how to feel full and satisfied without feeling lethargic. The second phase is where dieters need to really buckle down with portion control and proper food choices. During phase 1, it is ideal to avoid starch and sugars altogether.

Whole Grains


During the first week of phase 2, you’ll begin reintroducing some foods back into your diet. Selecting the right whole grains is the key for success. Typically 6 to 8 servings of whole grains should be consumed per day. This can be done by breaking the servings up over the course of the day.

Whole grain products to consider:

  • Whole grain cereal
  • Whole grain pasta
  • Whole grain bread

Cereals make a good snack in the mid-morning to help power you through until lunch time. Adding a serving of fruit and low-fat milk tackles three categories in one dish.



Fresh fruit is important in any diet. The amount of fresh fruit consumed is where many dieters run into trouble. Fruit does contain natural sugar. The body breaks down these sugars easier than refined sugar products.

During this diet, consuming 4 to 5 servings of fresh or frozen fruit per day is ideal.

Common fruit serving sizes:

  • Fresh berries – 1 cup
  • One whole orange or grapefruit
  • One whole apple or ½ cup unsweetened applesauce
  • One cup of melon
  • ¼ cup dried fruit such as raisins, figs and dates
  • ½ cup of natural fruit juice, containing no refined sugar
  • One medium banana

The serving sizes of fresh fruit vary depending on the calorie and sugar counts of the fruit.



During phase 1, it is vital that you refrain from consuming sugar completely. You can slowly incorporate it back into your diet in very small amounts in phase 2. By small amounts, this means 3 to 4 servings over the course of an entire week.

This is done to help regulate and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.



You should refrain from consuming alcohol completely while on this diet plan. It is okay, however, to have a glass of red wine every once in a while. The fruit used in the wine replaces one serving of fruit and one serving of sugar.



When consuming dairy products on the DASH diet, low-fat choices are a must. The idea of the diet is to get rid of body fat. Your body needs two to three servings of low-fat dairy products daily for calcium and other essential vitamins and nutrients. These servings should be low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt and low-fat cheeses.

Also, when working the DASH diet, it is important to be careful with protein consumption. Only consumer lean meat proteins such as chicken, turkey, lean pork and lean beef. Eggs are permitted in this diet but should not be cooked with any type of fat.

When to Plant Vegetables for Proper Harvest Times


As you prepare to plant a garden, it is important to know when to plant each vegetable. Vegetables all have different growing periods and ideal planting times to ensure that they are ready to harvest at their peak time of ripeness. When vegetables are planted at the right time, the return on crop production increases and produces higher quality produce.

Spring Harvest

In some climates, planting vegetables in the late winter and early spring for a spring harvest produces the best quality. These are hardy vegetables that can withstand cold temperatures and survive ground freezes with a light covering.

Vegetables in this category include:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Turnips
  • Cabbage
  • Collards

These vegetables require starting in cooler temperatures in order to develop strong root bases, thick stalks and tight vegetable heads. The veggies in this category can withstand temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

One of the benefits of these vegetable varieties is that they can be planted again in early fall for a late all harvest as well.

Summer Harvest

Planting in the mid-spring is when most gardeners do all of their vegetable planting. This is not ideal as not all vegetables can withstand dry periods or extreme heat. A majority of vegetables start as delicate seed plants. These require warmer temperatures so that their root bases grow appropriately and they feed off of the sun for growth. The gradually warming ground is best for summer harvest vegetables.

Summer harvest vegetables include:

  • Zucchini
  • Bell peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggplant

The vegetables in this group should be planted after the threat of frost passes.

Fall Harvest

Fall harvest vegetables should be planted in the early summer months to allow proper growing times. These are hardy vegetables such as pumpkins, potatoes and gourds. Most of the produce for fall harvests are planted in June. This makes them ready for early to mid-October.

Winter Harvest

For a winter harvest, usually in the month of December in mild climates, vegetables should be planted in the early fall. Most of these vegetables are root vegetables or those that grow thick stalks. Temperatures down to 29 degrees Fahrenheit are tolerable for this group of produce.

Winter harvest vegetables include:

  • Beets
  • Cauliflower
  • Rutabagas
  • Carrots
  • Irish potatoes
  • Swiss chard

Chard can be grown nearly year round in some climates as it is able to grow during periods of high heat. Celery is another vegetable that grows year round, but does do well for a winter harvest. Most of the produce in this category are able to survive through a light freeze and still remain edible.

When planning your garden, create a planting calendar. This should be weather and temperature based with a breakdown of what vegetables to plant during specific months. The end result is beautiful produce that is ready at the peak of the season. It is acceptable to start veggies in a greenhouse or indoor peat pots so that they are hardier plants when transplanted in the ground. It helps the plants to withstand strong winds, downpours and periods of dryness.

The Right Vegetables for a Summer Garden


Growing fresh vegetables in your own garden saves money and creates a hobby. Any vegetable that is designated for summer harvest should be planted in the early spring but after the threat of frost has passed. These all start as delicate plants and require time to build a strong root base for hardy plants.

View Zones

All vegetable plants and seed packets come with zone planting directions on them. It is vital that you know what zone your location falls in. This helps you gauge the right time to plant the vegetables so that they grow properly in the ground.

Zone charts show regions of the country along with their average first and last frost dates. This helps gardeners plant the vegetables for each season at the right time.

Of course, starting the plants inside for transplanting later is an option.



There are many varieties of squash. Varieties such as acorn, butternut and spaghetti squash should be planted in the mid-summer for fall harvest. Other varieties such as zucchini and yellow squash are summer harvest vegetables that should be planted with your spring planting produce.

These plants are very thin and fragile when they first sprout and begin to grow. Waiting until after the last frost of the year is a must to ensure that the plants are not killed. These should also be planted in a raised mound so that the rains do not flood the vines.



Beans are started as seeds. It is best to sew these into the ground in straight rows. Try not to overlap the bean seeds so that plants do not grow together. Since beans grow close together, it is ideal to use planting mesh over the row. Cut a slit down the middle lengthwise so that the plants can sprout properly. The mesh prevents weed growth. Weeds can get intertwined with the plants, smothering them.



Corn has a long growing period. Its harvest time is late July through early September. Corn should be planted as early as possible. It is ideal to plant kernels that are already fertilized. It is also ideal to plant the kernels in enriched soil so that the stalks grow tall and strong.

Plant corn far away from other vegetables as the stalks can hinder the sunlight from getting to the rest of the garden. It also takes up a great deal of space.

Bell Peppers and Tomatoes

Bell Peppers and Tomatoes

Bell peppers and tomatoes are delicate as young plants. The ideal ground temperature to plant these vegetables is 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This ensures that the ground is soft enough for planting and that the temperature of the earth will not freeze the roots. Each variety of these veggies grows at different paces, so seeing harvestable vegetables as early as mid-May is possible.

Planting a garden is a science. Delicate veggies often require an indoor starting period. Make sure that you have full knowledge of your zone and when the temperatures are warm enough past the ground’s surface so that the vegetables will grow and produce hardy edibles.

Let Me Tell You Why You Must Use A Fat Burner

slim body

Why do you need a fat burner?

Have you put on a lot extra pounds since graduation? Do you want to relive the glory days of your fitness? If you do, you are at the correct place my friend. Losing weight is not as easy as it sounds. Many of you might have tried to get rid of it through physical exercise alone but failed to achieve results. So then how to get rid of the weight? The answer to your weight problems is “You need to use a fat burner”.

What is a fat burner?

Many of you would have heard this name for the first time. Fat burners are supplements that help you get rid of the extra pounds. The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word of supplements is whether they are safe or not. Fat burners are safe and reliable, because unlike some of the other weight loss products that are available in the market such as slimming teas and sauna belts etc, they actually produce results. Fat burners increase the metabolism of your body, so it may burn more calories and fat to keep it running. When the metabolism is increased, the body automatically begins to remove the excess fat that is on your belly and you start losing weight just like that. It’s that simple.

How to use them?

Fat Burners can be used as a supplement to your physical exercise. The thing about physical exercise is that you have to be patient to see results, but most people cannot wait that long therefore fat burners become desirable in such cases. You will begin to feel the difference relatively quickly as compared to without fat burners. You must plan their dosage according to your diet plan. Take them with your meals; be careful not to take any after 6pm, most fat burners have ingredients that give you an energy boost so that you can push yourself even harder. I am sure that you would not want this extra energy to keep you up all night. Before you start taking fat burners I would advise that you consult a physician, just to be on the safe side.

Can Green Tea Fat Burner Supplements Be Used Safely

Green Tea leaves

Are green tea fat burner supplements considered to be safe?

Are you trying to lose weight? Have you tried physical exercise but are not satisfied with the results? It is normal to want a quick reduction in weight but how to achieve this goal? The answer to your problem is green tea fat burners (they are available on Walmart). Contrary to popular belief that these products are scams and rip offs. Let me assure you that they are very effective when it comes to losing weight. Many hardcore fitness lovers will say that they are useless and a waste of your money, whereas they are actually scared to admit that these products actually work!!

How do they work and are they safe?

Fat burner supplements have recently been getting a lot of attention. There has been a lot of debate as to the validity of these products. Yes! These products work however the problem is that many people have started producing fake products and begun to claim that their products are 100% effective. Therefore if you find a person complaining that he started using these products and found them to be useless then most likely that person was scammed. Fat burners increase your body’s metabolism and decrease the feeling of hunger. In addition to that, they give your body an energy boost so that you may be able exercise more. These products will not harm your body in any way at all; in fact green tea supplements are particularly non-harmful because they are completely natural products.

Here’s one of the real testimonial videos

How to use them properly?

green tea fat burner supplements

Only resorting to these products and relying on them heavily is not the way to go. You need to take them as supplements and not as a diet. You need to carry on your physical workout routine, then you will only be able to benefit from these add-ons properly. Plan your dosage according to your workout, green tea in the morning and afternoon will be more preferable. However it is better you consult a trainer before you begin using these add-ons.

Best Indoors Plants


Today, gardening is not limited to outdoors only. People living in apartments or places where there are no outside space can also participate in gardening. Indoor gardening is a challenging but exciting activity. Starting an indoor garden is not a complex process; all you have to do is choose a container and the plants to grow. There are different types of plants that you can choose. Below is a list of the best plants to grow indoors.

I. Spider plant


Spider plants are easy to plant. Even though the leaves tend to grow towards the direction of the sunlight, the plant can still mature well in partial sunlight. You are required to water the plants regularly especially during summer.

II. Peperomia


Peperomia is a perfect plant to grow indoors because of its ability to thrive under different conditions. This plant is similar to succulent plants in terms of appearance. However, don’t make the mistake of assuming they require the same conditions to survive. Unlike succulents, Peperomia requires a lot of water and high humidity. They require moderate lighting.

III. Gerbera daisies


Gerbera daisies are mostly grown outdoors, however with proper care they can mature well indoors. You need to provide the plant with enough sunlight for it to grow well. They require moderate water and moderate temperatures. You need to groom the plant often by cutting off dead leaves or flowers.

IV. Dieffenbachia


This can make a perfect decoration for both home and office environment. The plant can adapt to different conditions. They grow best under indirect sunlight. The plant does not flourish in too much moisture which is usually caused by over watering. As much as the plant brightens the room, it can cause irritation to the skin especially the lips. So you need to keep them away from children and pets

V. Snake plant

This plant is the best among all the houseplants as it can withstand any condition. The only thing that has been reported to hinder their growth is under and over watering. They grow well under direct sunlight and they are favored by warm temperatures.

VI. Zamioculcas zamifolia (ZeeZee plant)


This is an easy to grow and care for plant. It blends in with any environmental setting – be modern or traditional. It thrives in low sunlight. It grows slowly compared to the other house plants.

VII. Rubber tree plant


Rubber tree plant should be planted in a big pot. The plant should be watered regularly at least once a week. You should avoid over and under watering. Unlike most of the houseplants, the rubber tree needs to be fertilized regularly (every two weeks). It requires moderate sunlight to grow. You should however move the plant away from the sun when the new leaves start growing. It is important to trim the plant to avoid over growing.

VIII. Dracaena


Dracaena plants are easy to grow. They are perfect for indoor garden as they are drought resistance. It is quite important not to over water them. You are advised to allow the plant to dry (not completely) between watering.

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